Thursday, 2 April 2015

day two: stars

the prompt for today's NaPoWriMo poem was "stars", and immediately i thought of the spoken-word poem 'A Finger, Two Dots Then Me' by Derrick Brown. if you haven't heard it before, DO IT... and if you have, listen again. it is always worth it!

now that you're all in awe of Derrick, i'll just leave the little and vastly less significant poem i wrote today down here. i was thinking of the prompt as i walked home from a friend's house tonight and tried looking up to catch some 'inspiration', but the stars just weren't visible. that in turn led to the rest of the poem :) it doesn't yet feel finished to me, but such as it is, it is:

tonight the sky wears its black-blue
like a deep bruise
and all hope of conventional star-views 
is halted by streetlights.

walking home, instead i look down
and am met with the sight
of tiny glass galaxies blinking back at me,
a million shards of beer bottle stars;
the cars
parked on the street have had their bonnets brushed
with a fine dust of drizzle and
the drops catch onto all light, dazzling;
the brightness of your imagined smile
and the crinkles that gather in the corners of your eyes.

please, world, remind me that 
i do not have to look up to see the stars.

i want to stitch all of these views
into new constellations, and share them with you.

1 comment:

  1. Not at all less significant. Beautiful.
    "remind me that i do not have to look up to see the stars"
